Setting and Making Your Physical & Financial Goals Work Together

Small changes can lead to significant results.

I have long believed that small, yet stretchy goals can significantly impact all aspects of your life.

It also won’t surprise you that I love movement and believe in exploring the connectivity between mind, body, and financial health. I have often stated that we have three ages: a chronological age, a biological age, and a financial age. If you want to reshape your life or finances and regain control, it may be time to reshape your thinking.

When something feels out of place physically or financially, it may be time to bring in the experts. Trust me, I have been there. I am a certified financial planner, yet we have a financial advisor who manages our money. Getting started can be overwhelming, and procrastination can be the one thing in both arenas that can derail you.

How to Set Your Financial and Physical Fitness Goals

If you are embarking on a new physical or financial journey, here are a few steps to help you:

1) Enhance your knowledge to help make informed decisions. You can set realistic goals regarding movement and budgeting, knowing your limitations, expertise, and comfort level.

2) Ask for help from advisors, planners, trainers, etc. Professional guidance is a game changer and will help you navigate challenges and adopt coping strategies. I’ve realized and respect what a professional can bring to my knowledge base. Their expertise can take you to a level you may have once felt was unattainable.

3) Incorporate self-care into your daily practices, including sleep, regular movement, healthy eating, meditation, and socialization. Like a good trainer, a good advisor must fit you well. I’m convinced there is a connection between your financial health and your well-being, and when combined, they can lead to a fulfilling life.

Moving towards a healthier future in all aspects of your life is up to you. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Your coach, trainer or advisor is there to help you do the heavy lifting and realize your goals.

Health, in many ways, is the new wealth. Investing in lifestyle changes can help to increase your longevity and pay dividends in the long run.

Pattie –

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