CHIP Reverse Mortgage: Featured Posts



Reverse Mortgage

Older woman looks concerningly at her phone
Reverse Mortgage

Financial scams and fraud are a big problem in Canada. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, in 2023 there were over 63,000 reports of fraud, costing its victims almost $570 million.
Increasingly, those frauds have involved mortgages, including a growth in reverse mortgage scams. With the increase in popularity of reverse mortgages as a useful legitimate and beneficial loan option for many retirees (in 2023, reverse mortgages grew by 28% year-over-year), it didn’t take long for financial fraudsters to come up with reverse mortgage scams.

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Elder couple dancing in kitchen
Reverse Mortgage

Canadians approaching retirement age face some important decisions about when to start receiving their Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits. One of the most compelling reasons to delay CPP benefits is to boost your monthly payments. For every year you delay receiving CPP after age 65, your monthly payment increases by 0.7% a month or 8.4% annually – that means retirees can boost their CPP by 42% by delaying the benefits from age 65 to age 70.

Elder couple looking at laptop
Reverse Mortgage

Notice of security interest scams (or NOSI scams for short) have been costing Canadians tens of thousands of dollars, and these NOSI scam artists often target retirees. Originally, it was meant to protect providers of in-home appliances, such as heaters and air con units, from customers who fell behind on payments. A notice of security interest is similar to a lien in that it’s registered against the title of the property. NOSI scam artists use a notice of security interest to force their victims to pay outrageous sums of money for their HVAC, air con or other fixture. NOSI scammers typically target people whom they feel they can easily confuse and trick into signing documents they don’t understand, usually for products they don’t need.

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Elder couple shaking hands with advisor
Reverse Mortgage

As Canada’s population ages, more and more retirees are seeking ways to maintain their standard of living while staying in their homes. According to an Ipsos survey commissioned by HomeEquity Bank, over 93% of Canadians desire to “age in place”. This growing trend, coupled with the country’s rising property prices, has led to a surge in the popularity of reverse mortgages. For many Canadian retirees, a reverse mortgage can provide a valuable source of supplemental income, allowing them to maintain their standard of living while remaining in their homes. With flexible repayment options and no monthly payments required, reverse mortgages offer a practical solution to the financial challenges of retirement.

Reverse Mortgage

In this article, we explain what a LIRA is and how it works. A LIRA is a registered account designed to hold pension assets contributed by you and your former employers. LIRA withdrawal rules vary according to the province where you reside. Most provinces allow you to withdraw up to 50% of your LIRA when you reach 55 and then transfer those funds to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). You can withdraw from a LIRA as soon as you transfer your assets into your chosen income stream option – so a short time after you turn 55, in most provinces. Although LIRA unlocking rules vary by province, there are a number of exceptions that allow you to access your locked-in funds.

Older lady looking at paper and calculator
Reverse Mortgage

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a very popular way for Canadians to save for their retirement with some attractive tax breaks that help their savings and investments grow faster. RRSPs provide a considerable tax break whenever you make a contribution; every dollar you contribute reduces your taxable income by a dollar, so it could lead to a significant tax refund at the end of the year. Any amount you pay into an RRSP that is above that limit is considered an RRSP over contribution. The CRA treats RRSP over contributions seriously and you could end up having to pay a penalty, so it’s important to know how to calculate your RRSP over contribution and also how to fix an over contribution to an RRSP.

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Turn your home equity into tax-free cash.
No monthly payments!

Retirement Planning

Older couple smiling and looking at laptop
Retirement Planning

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA for short) is a really popular savings vehicle: over 16 million Canadians have one. In spite of its popularity, a considerable amount of people don’t understand all the aspects of the TFSA, including rules around withdrawing from TFSAs and TFSA withdrawal limits. The TFSA is a federal government registered savings account that allows investors to save their money tax-free. This means that any money earned within the TFSA — such as interest, dividends and capital gains — is not taxed. Your money can grow much faster, as all earnings are kept and benefit even more from compound returns.

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Older couple embracing in garden
Retirement Planning

A DCPP is an employer-sponsored registered pension plan that is designed to help you save for retirement. Contributions come from both you and your employer. Your contributions are tax deductible, subject to government limits, and the assets in your plan grow tax-free. With a DCPP, you and your employer both contribute a percentage of your salary to the plan during your tenure with the company. When you retire, at retirement, you can convert that money into a retirement income stream. The amount you receive at retirement depends on how much has been contributed and how well the investments in your plan have performed.

CHIP Blog Banner - Mike Drak Legacy
Retirement Planning

What does it mean to build a rich legacy? Many Canadians think of their legacy in terms of the assets they leave behind. In other words, money. For best-selling author, public speaker, and HomeEquity Bank Retirement Lifestyle Consultant, Mike Drak, the answer isn’t so straightforward. To share his perspective, Mike recently joined ZoomerRadio’s Liz West on the Zoomer Explained series to discuss what he calls the “shifting meaning of legacy.” Today, we’ll delve into the concept of legacy, and why rethinking your legacy can add richness to your retirement journey.


Senior couple talking to advisor

Every day scammers think of new ways to defraud Canadians out of their hard-earned savings and retirement fund through deceitful and hard to spot scams. It’s hard to quantify the amount that is lost specifically to fraud against the elderly, but in total the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center says that $554 million was lost to fraud in Canada last year.
So, why are there so many financial scams targeting the elderly? The people who carry out elder financial scams believe that they’re an easier target than younger people. While older people can be more trusting and less tech savvy, scammers specifically focus on targeting individuals with cognitive issues that may be more easily confused.

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In the beginning, retirement is fun and feels pretty good for everyone. But, at some point, some retirees (not the comfort-oriented ones) will start to rebel against too much relaxation. You can sleep in or travel to all those places you dreamed about, but you know you can’t stay in vacation mode forever. It’s estimated that approximately one in three people will experience retirement shock soon after retiring, which are the same odds of a person getting shingles. The happiest retirees are the most prepared. They know what their strongest needs are and find activities that will satisfy them on a regular basis. They do not suffer from retirement shock, because they are excited by and focused on what they plan to do.


Michael Stein, author of “The Prosperous Retirement” came up with a concept of a three-phase retirement the phases being – The Go-Go years, the Slow Go Years, and the No-Go years. In their “go-go” years retirees are in good health and eager to catch up and do all of the things they didn’t have time to do when they were working. Eventually depending on the state of their health retirees will hit their “slow-go” years. They become less energetic and more sedentary which results in less spending. At some point people will enter their “no-go” years and they will experience a further slowdown in activity levels. You need to be prepared for a possible rise in medical costs and how much they will rise is anybody’s guess.

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Pattie Lovett-Reid

The “golden triangle of happiness” is genuine and, according to a new survey by HomeEquity Bank, achievable. The “Golden Triangle of Happiness” is a concept developed by researchers at Deakin University and Australian Unity. The golden triangle focuses on the factors that make people happy – financial control, relationships and connection, and purpose. The balance and intersection of these three elements can lead to a genuinely fulfilling retirement.
The golden triangle of happiness is, in many ways, the golden opportunity for our golden years—and your golden years are right now, regardless of age.

Elder people laughing at a table
Joyce Wayne

Enough small talk. Let’s get right to it: Why can’t we talk to each other anymore? What makes for good communications? And how do we restore the lost art of conversation? In his new book, What I Mean To Say: Remaking Conversation in Our Time, Ian bravely addresses the topic of “What We Can’t Talk About.” What we can’t talk about during the age of woke culture: Politics, religion, death, race, money or class and certain aspects of people’s personal lives.


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